Using ATM in Buenos Aires
The most important thing you should now:
In Argentina most of the ATM's RETAINS the card meanwhile you operate, and brings it back only AFTER you did the transaction, so please DON'T FORGET IT THERE! (I'm advising this after have been "saving" hundreds of my Customers this last years)
Keep in mind that you will not be able to access to USD cash from the Atm's, it would authomatically convert to pesos at the official rate.
The ATM's usually gets lack of cash during the long weekends, as also at San Telmo the only available gets empty at Sunday noon.
COSTS: Whatever amount, wherever you do, whichever debit or credit card, the sistem will charge US$ 4. So if you feel save there get as much amount as possible, anyway you will pay the US$ 4.
LOCATION: They are everywhere, but in some neighbourhoods are harder to find, so here goes some accurate location of them:
Boca: Inside of a commercial gallery, in front of the Caminito's Corner, Magallanes St 802, Option, also in a commercial gallery, Pedro de Mendoza Av 1805. Don't go too far, it means you are lost. You don't want to be lost there.
Palermo Soho: Also in a commercial gallery, Malabia St 1720.
San Telmo: Defensa St 818, corner with Independencia Av
Recoleta: Quintana Av 587, in front of La Biela café, and many others walking down Quintana Av.
Puerto Madero: I have chosen two, the closest ones to the Woman Bridge, at the two sides of that bridge.
Olga Cosettini st 801 and Alicia Moreau de Justo st 868
BREAKING MONEY: A nice trick is to ask $arg 490 instead of $arg 500 by example. You will get a lot of change, which is very important here.
You don't need to go with your passport or any other important documentation to the ATM.
Do not accept any help from strangers if you have difficulties, look for assistance from someone of the Bank.
Check before get in, check after leave.
BE SMART: Drop your money before leaving, not in the street!!
A. Pay attention and pick up your card after operate
B. Assume you will do many extractions and you will pay usd 4 each one
C. Worst business on earth is try to use the only ATM in San Telmo on Sunday afternoon
D. In long weekends the ATM's get empty for Saturday afternoon
E. You will hardly or never get dollars from an ATM
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